Mutex vs. Semaphores – Part 1: Semaphores
It never ceases to amaze me how often I see postings in newsgroups, etc. asking the difference between a semaphore and a mutex. Probably what baffles me more is that over 90% of the time the responses given are either incorrect or missing the key differences. The most often quoted response is that of the “The Toilet Example (c) Copyright 2005, Niclas Winquist” . This summarises the differences as:
Firstly we need to clarify some terms and this is best done by revisiting the roots of the semaphore. Back in 1965, Edsger Dijkstra, a Dutch computer scientist, introduced the concept of a binary semaphore into modern programming to address possible race conditions in concurrent programs. His very simple idea was to use a pair of function calls to the operating system to indicate entering and leaving a critical region. This was achieved through the acquisition and release of an operating system resource called a semaphore. In his original work, Dijkstra used the notation of P & V, from the Dutch words Prolagen (P), a neologism coming from To try and lower, and Verhogen (V) To raise, To increase.
With this model the first task arriving at the P(S) [where S is the semaphore] call gains access to the critical region. If a context switch happens while that task is in the critical region, and another task also calls on P(S), then that second task (and any subsequent tasks) will be blocked from entering the critical region by being put in a waiting state by the operating system. At a later point the first task is rescheduled and calls V(S) to indicate it has left the critical region. The second task will now be allowed access to the critical region.
A variant of Dijkstra’s semaphore was put forward by another Dutchman, Dr. Carel S. Scholten. In his proposal the semaphore can have an initial value (or count) greater than one. This enables building programs where more than one resource is being managed in a given critical region. For example, a counting semaphore could be used to manage the parking spaces in a robotic parking system. The initial count would be set to the initial free parking places. Each time a place is used the count is decremented. If the count reaches zero then the next task trying to acquire the semaphore would be blocked (i.e. it must wait until a parking space is available). Upon releasing the semaphore (A car leaving the parking system) the count is incremented by one.
Scholten’s semaphore is referred to as the General or Counting Semaphore, Dijkstra’s being known as theBinary Semaphore.
Pretty much all modern Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) support the semaphore. For the majority, the actual implementation is based around the counting semaphore concept. Programmers using these RTOSs may use an initial count of 1 (one) to approximate to the binary semaphore. One of the most notable exceptions is probably the leading commercial RTOS VxWorks from Wind River Systems. This has two separate APIs for semaphore creation, one for the Binary semaphore (semBCreate) and another for the Counting semaphore (semCCreate).
Hopefully we now have a clear understanding of the difference between the binary semaphore and the counting semaphore. Before moving onto the mutex we need to understand the inherent dangers associated with using the semaphore. These include:
When the counting semaphore is being used as a binary semaphore (initial count of 1 – the most common case) this then allows two tasks into the critical region. Each time the buggy code is executed the count is increment and yet another task can enter. This is an inherent weakness of using the counting semaphore as a binary semaphore.
Note that the P and V calls are not used as a pair in the same task. In the example, assuming Task1 calls the P(S) it will block. When Task 2 later calls the V(S) then the unilateral synchronization takes place and both task are ready to run (with the higher priority task actually running). Unfortunately “misusing” the semaphore as synchronization primitive can be problematic in that it makes debugging harder and increase the potential to miss “accidental release” type problems, as an V(S) on its own (i.e. not paired with aP(S)) is now considered legal code.
In the next posting I shall look at how the mutex address most of the weaknesses of the semaphore.
- A mutex is really a semaphore with value 1
Firstly we need to clarify some terms and this is best done by revisiting the roots of the semaphore. Back in 1965, Edsger Dijkstra, a Dutch computer scientist, introduced the concept of a binary semaphore into modern programming to address possible race conditions in concurrent programs. His very simple idea was to use a pair of function calls to the operating system to indicate entering and leaving a critical region. This was achieved through the acquisition and release of an operating system resource called a semaphore. In his original work, Dijkstra used the notation of P & V, from the Dutch words Prolagen (P), a neologism coming from To try and lower, and Verhogen (V) To raise, To increase.
With this model the first task arriving at the P(S) [where S is the semaphore] call gains access to the critical region. If a context switch happens while that task is in the critical region, and another task also calls on P(S), then that second task (and any subsequent tasks) will be blocked from entering the critical region by being put in a waiting state by the operating system. At a later point the first task is rescheduled and calls V(S) to indicate it has left the critical region. The second task will now be allowed access to the critical region.
A variant of Dijkstra’s semaphore was put forward by another Dutchman, Dr. Carel S. Scholten. In his proposal the semaphore can have an initial value (or count) greater than one. This enables building programs where more than one resource is being managed in a given critical region. For example, a counting semaphore could be used to manage the parking spaces in a robotic parking system. The initial count would be set to the initial free parking places. Each time a place is used the count is decremented. If the count reaches zero then the next task trying to acquire the semaphore would be blocked (i.e. it must wait until a parking space is available). Upon releasing the semaphore (A car leaving the parking system) the count is incremented by one.
Scholten’s semaphore is referred to as the General or Counting Semaphore, Dijkstra’s being known as theBinary Semaphore.
Pretty much all modern Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) support the semaphore. For the majority, the actual implementation is based around the counting semaphore concept. Programmers using these RTOSs may use an initial count of 1 (one) to approximate to the binary semaphore. One of the most notable exceptions is probably the leading commercial RTOS VxWorks from Wind River Systems. This has two separate APIs for semaphore creation, one for the Binary semaphore (semBCreate) and another for the Counting semaphore (semCCreate).
Hopefully we now have a clear understanding of the difference between the binary semaphore and the counting semaphore. Before moving onto the mutex we need to understand the inherent dangers associated with using the semaphore. These include:
- Accidental release
- Recursive deadlock
- Task-Death deadlock
- Priority inversion
- Semaphore as a signal
Accidental release
This problem arises mainly due to a bug fix, product enhancement or cut-and-paste mistake. In this case, through a simple programming mistake, a semaphore isn’t correctly acquired but is then released.
Deadlock occurs when tasks are blocked waiting on some condition that can never become true, e.g. waiting to acquire a semaphore that never becomes free. There are three possible deadlock situations associated with the semaphore:- Recursive Deadlock
- Deadlock through Death
- Cyclic Deadlock (Deadly Embrace)
Recursive Deadlock
Recursive deadlock can occur if a task tries to lock a semaphore it has already locked. This can typically occur in libraries or recursive functions; for example, the simple locking of malloc being called twice within the framework of a library. An example of this appeared in the MySQL database bug reporting system: Bug #24745 InnoDB semaphore wait timeout/crash – deadlock waiting for itself
Deadlock through Task Death
What if a task that is holding a semaphore dies or is terminated? If you can’t detect this condition then all tasks waiting (or may wait in the future) will never acquire the semaphore and deadlock. To partially address this, it is common for the function call that acquires the semaphore to specify an optional timeout value.
Priority Inversion
The majority of RTOSs use a priority-driven pre-emptive scheduling scheme. In this scheme each task has its own assigned priority. The pre-emptive scheme ensures that a higher priority task will force a lower priority task to release the processor so it can run. This is a core concept to building real-time systems using an RTOS. Priority inversion is the case where a high priority task becomes blocked for an indefinite period by a low priority task. As an example:- An embedded system contains an “information bus”
- Sequential access to the bus is protected with a semaphore.
- A bus management task runs frequently with a high priority to move certain kinds of data in and out of the information bus.
- A meteorological data gathering task runs as an infrequent, low priority task, using the information bus to publish its data. When publishing its data, it acquires the semaphore, writes to the bus, and release the semaphore.
- The system also contains a communications task which runs with medium priority.
- Very infrequently it is possible for an interrupt to occur that causes the (medium priority) communications task to be sch
eduled while the (high priority) information bus task is blocked waiting for the (low priority) meteorological data task. - In this case, the long-running communications task, having higher priority than the meteorological task, prevents it from running, consequently preventing the blocked information bus task from running.
- After some time has passed, a watchdog timer goes off, notices that the data bus task has not been executed for some time, concludes that something has gone drastically wrong, and initiate a total system reset.
Semaphore as a Signal
Unfortunately, the term synchronization is often misused in the context of mutual exclusion. Synchronization is, by definition “To occur at the same time; be simultaneous”. Synchronization between tasks is where, typically, one task waits to be notified by another task before it can continue execution (unilateral rendezvous). A variant of this is either task may wait, called the bidirectional rendezvous. This is quite different to mutual exclusion, which is a protection mechanism. However, this misuse has arisen as the counting semaphore can be used for unidirectional synchronization. For this to work, the semaphore is created with a count of 0 (zero).Note that the P and V calls are not used as a pair in the same task. In the example, assuming Task1 calls the P(S) it will block. When Task 2 later calls the V(S) then the unilateral synchronization takes place and both task are ready to run (with the higher priority task actually running). Unfortunately “misusing” the semaphore as synchronization primitive can be problematic in that it makes debugging harder and increase the potential to miss “accidental release” type problems, as an V(S) on its own (i.e. not paired with aP(S)) is now considered legal code.
In the next posting I shall look at how the mutex address most of the weaknesses of the semaphore.
Mutex vs. Semaphores – Part 2: The Mutex
In Part 1 of this series we looked at the history of the binary and counting semaphore, and then went on to discuss some of the associated problem areas. In this posting I aim to show how a different RTOS construct, the mutex, may overcome some, if not all, of these weaknesses.
To address the problems associated with semaphore, a new concept was developed during the late 1980’s. I have struggled to find it’s first clear definition, but the major use of the term mutex (another neologism based around MUTual EXclusion) appears to have been driven through the development of the common programming specification for UNIX based systems. In 1990 this was formalised by the IEEE as standard IEEE Std 1003.1 commonly known as POSIX.
The mutex is similar to the principles of the binary semaphore with one significant difference: the principle of ownership. Ownership is the simple concept that when a task locks (acquires) a mutex only it can unlock (release) it. If a task tries to unlock a mutex it hasn’t locked (thus doesn’t own) then an error condition is encountered and, most importantly, the mutex is not unlocked. If the mutual exclusion object doesn’t have ownership then, irrelevant of what it is called, it is not a mutex.
The concept of ownership enables mutex implementations to address the problems discussed in part 1:
Accidental Release
As already stated, ownership stops accidental release of a mutex as a check is made on the release and an error is raised if current task is not owner.
Recursive Deadlock
Due to ownership, a mutex can support relocking of the same mutex by the owning task as long as it is released the same number of times.
Priority Inversion
With ownership this problem can be addressed using one of the following priority inheritance protocols:
The details of the Priority Inheritance Protocol and Priority Ceiling Protocol (a slight variant) will be covered in part 3 of this series.
Death Detection
If a task terminates for any reason, the RTOS can detect if that task current owns a mutex and signal waiting tasks of this condition. In terms of what happens to the waiting tasks, there are various models, but two doiminate:
When only one task is readied, ownership of the mutex is passed from the terminated task to the readied task. This task is now responsible for ensuring integrity of critical region, and can unlock the mutex as normal.
Mutual Exclusion / Synchronisation
Due to ownership a mutex cannot be used for synchronization due to lock/unlock pairing. This makes the code cleaner by not confusing the issues of mutual exclusion with synchronization.
A specific Operating Systems mutex implementation may or may not support the following:
It should be noted that many Real-Time Operating Systems (or more correctly Real-Time Kernels) do not support the concept of the mutex, only supporting the Counting Semaphore (e.g. MicroC/OS-II). [ CORRECTION: The later versions of uC/OS-II do support the mutex, only the original version did not].
In this section we shall briefly examine three different implementations. I have chosen these as they represent the broad spectum of APIs offered (Footnote 1):
However, before addressing the APIs in detail we need to introduce the concept of a Release Order Policy. In Dijkstra’s original work the concept of task priorities were not part of the problem domain. Therefore it was assumed that if more than one task was waiting on a held semaphore, when released the next task to acquire the semaphore would be chosen on a First-Come-First-Server (First-In-First-Out; FIFO) policy. However once tasks have priorities, the policy may be:
VxWorks supports the Binary Semaphore, the Counting Semaphore and the Mutex (called the Mutual-Exclusion Semaphore in VxWorks terminology). They all support a common API for acquiring (semTake) and releasing (semGive) the particular semaphore. For all semaphore types, waiting tasks can be queued by priority or FIFO and can have a timeout specified.
The Binary Semaphore has, as expected, no support for recursion or inheritance and the taker and giver do not have to be same task. Some additional points of interest are that there is no effect of releasing the semaphore again; It can be used as a signal (thus can be created empty); and supports the idea of a broadcast release (wake up all waiting tasks rather than just the first). The Counting Semaphore, as expected, is the same as the Binary Semaphore with ability to define an initial count.
The Mutual-Exclusion Semaphore is the VxWorks mutex. Only the owning task may successfully call semGive. The VxWorks mutex also has the ability to support both priority inheritance (basic priority inheritance protocol) and deletion safety.
POSIX is an acronym for Portable Operating System Interface (the X has no meaning). The current POSIX standard is formally defined by IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition. The mutex is part of the core POSIX Threads (pThreads) specification (historically referred to as IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995).
POSIX also supports both semaphores and priority-inheritance mutexes as part of what are called Feature Groups. Support for these Feature Groups is optional, but when an implementation claims that a feature is provided, all of its constituent parts must be provided
and must comply with this specification. There are two main Feature Groups of interest, the Realtime Group and Realtime Threads Groups.
The semaphore is not part of the core standard but is supported as part of the Realtime Feature Group. The Realtime Semaphore is an implementation of the Counting semaphore.
The default POSIX mutex is non-recursive , has no priority inheritance support or death detection.
However, the Pthreads standard allows for non-portable extensions (as long as they are tagged with “-np”). A high proportion of programmers using POSIX threads are programming for Linux. Linux supports four different mutex types through non-portable extensions:
Finally the Realtime Threads Feature Group adds mutex support for both priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocols.
Win32 API
Microsoft Window’s common API is referred to as Win32. This API supports three different primitives:
Win32 mutexes do have built-in death detection; if a thread terminates when holding a mutex, then that mutex is said to be abandoned. The mutex is released (with WAIT_ABANDONED error code) and a waiting thread will take ownership. Note that Critical sections do not have any form of death detection.
Critical Sections have no timeout ability, whereas mutexes do. However Critical Sections support a separate function call TryEnterCriticalSection. A major weakness of the Win32 API is that the queuing model is undefined (i.e. neither Priority nor FIFO). According to Microsoft this is done to improve performance.
So, what can we gather from this? First and foremost the term mutex is less well defined than the semaphore. Secondly,the actual implementations from RTOS to RTOS vary massively. I urge you to go back and look at your faviourite RTOS and work out what support, if any, you have for the mutex. I’d love to hear from people regarding mutual exclusion support (both semaphores and mutexes) for their RTOS of choice. If you’d like to contact me do so at nsc(at)
Finally, Part 3 will look at a couple of problems the mutex doesn’t solve, and how these can be overcome. As part of that it will review the Basic Priority Inheritance Protcol and the Prority Ceiling Protocol.
At a later date I will also address the use of, and problems associted with, the semaphore being used for task synchronisation.
To address the problems associated with semaphore, a new concept was developed during the late 1980’s. I have struggled to find it’s first clear definition, but the major use of the term mutex (another neologism based around MUTual EXclusion) appears to have been driven through the development of the common programming specification for UNIX based systems. In 1990 this was formalised by the IEEE as standard IEEE Std 1003.1 commonly known as POSIX.
The mutex is similar to the principles of the binary semaphore with one significant difference: the principle of ownership. Ownership is the simple concept that when a task locks (acquires) a mutex only it can unlock (release) it. If a task tries to unlock a mutex it hasn’t locked (thus doesn’t own) then an error condition is encountered and, most importantly, the mutex is not unlocked. If the mutual exclusion object doesn’t have ownership then, irrelevant of what it is called, it is not a mutex.
The concept of ownership enables mutex implementations to address the problems discussed in part 1:
- Accidental release
- Recursive deadlock
- Task-Death deadlock
- Priority inversion
- Semaphore as a signal
Accidental Release
As already stated, ownership stops accidental release of a mutex as a check is made on the release and an error is raised if current task is not owner.
Recursive Deadlock
Due to ownership, a mutex can support relocking of the same mutex by the owning task as long as it is released the same number of times.
Priority Inversion
With ownership this problem can be addressed using one of the following priority inheritance protocols:
- [Basic] Priority Inheritance Protocol
- Priority Ceiling Protocol
The details of the Priority Inheritance Protocol and Priority Ceiling Protocol (a slight variant) will be covered in part 3 of this series.
Death Detection
If a task terminates for any reason, the RTOS can detect if that task current owns a mutex and signal waiting tasks of this condition. In terms of what happens to the waiting tasks, there are various models, but two doiminate:
- All tasks readied with error condition;
- Only one task readied; this task is responsible for ensuring integrity of critical region.
When only one task is readied, ownership of the mutex is passed from the terminated task to the readied task. This task is now responsible for ensuring integrity of critical region, and can unlock the mutex as normal.
Mutual Exclusion / Synchronisation
Due to ownership a mutex cannot be used for synchronization due to lock/unlock pairing. This makes the code cleaner by not confusing the issues of mutual exclusion with synchronization.
A specific Operating Systems mutex implementation may or may not support the following:
- Recursion
- Priority Inheritance
- Death Detection
It should be noted that many Real-Time Operating Systems (or more correctly Real-Time Kernels) do not support the concept of the mutex, only supporting the Counting Semaphore (e.g. MicroC/OS-II). [ CORRECTION: The later versions of uC/OS-II do support the mutex, only the original version did not].
In this section we shall briefly examine three different implementations. I have chosen these as they represent the broad spectum of APIs offered (Footnote 1):
- VxWorks Version 5.4
- POSIX Threads (pThreads) – IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
- Microsoft Windows Win32 – Not .NET
However, before addressing the APIs in detail we need to introduce the concept of a Release Order Policy. In Dijkstra’s original work the concept of task priorities were not part of the problem domain. Therefore it was assumed that if more than one task was waiting on a held semaphore, when released the next task to acquire the semaphore would be chosen on a First-Come-First-Server (First-In-First-Out; FIFO) policy. However once tasks have priorities, the policy may be:
- FIFO – waiting tasks ordered by arrival time
- Priority – waiting tasks ordered by priority
- Undefined - implementation doesn’t specify
VxWorks supports the Binary Semaphore, the Counting Semaphore and the Mutex (called the Mutual-Exclusion Semaphore in VxWorks terminology). They all support a common API for acquiring (semTake) and releasing (semGive) the particular semaphore. For all semaphore types, waiting tasks can be queued by priority or FIFO and can have a timeout specified.
The Binary Semaphore has, as expected, no support for recursion or inheritance and the taker and giver do not have to be same task. Some additional points of interest are that there is no effect of releasing the semaphore again; It can be used as a signal (thus can be created empty); and supports the idea of a broadcast release (wake up all waiting tasks rather than just the first). The Counting Semaphore, as expected, is the same as the Binary Semaphore with ability to define an initial count.
The Mutual-Exclusion Semaphore is the VxWorks mutex. Only the owning task may successfully call semGive. The VxWorks mutex also has the ability to support both priority inheritance (basic priority inheritance protocol) and deletion safety.
POSIX is an acronym for Portable Operating System Interface (the X has no meaning). The current POSIX standard is formally defined by IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition. The mutex is part of the core POSIX Threads (pThreads) specification (historically referred to as IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995).
POSIX also supports both semaphores and priority-inheritance mutexes as part of what are called Feature Groups. Support for these Feature Groups is optional, but when an implementation claims that a feature is provided, all of its constituent parts must be provided
and must comply with this specification. There are two main Feature Groups of interest, the Realtime Group and Realtime Threads Groups.
The semaphore is not part of the core standard but is supported as part of the Realtime Feature Group. The Realtime Semaphore is an implementation of the Counting semaphore.
The default POSIX mutex is non-recursive , has no priority inheritance support or death detection.
However, the Pthreads standard allows for non-portable extensions (as long as they are tagged with “-np”). A high proportion of programmers using POSIX threads are programming for Linux. Linux supports four different mutex types through non-portable extensions:
- Fast mutex – non-recursive and will deadlock [default]
- Error checking mutex – non-recursive but will report error
- Recursive mutex – as the name implies
- Adaptive mutex - extra fast for mutli-processor systems
Finally the Realtime Threads Feature Group adds mutex support for both priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocols.
Win32 API
Microsoft Window’s common API is referred to as Win32. This API supports three different primitives:
- Semaphore – The counting semaphore
- Critical Section - Mutex between threads in the same process; Recursive, no timeout, queuing order undefined
- Mutex – As per critical sections, but can be used by threads in different processes; Recursive, timeout, queuing order undefined
Win32 mutexes do have built-in death detection; if a thread terminates when holding a mutex, then that mutex is said to be abandoned. The mutex is released (with WAIT_ABANDONED error code) and a waiting thread will take ownership. Note that Critical sections do not have any form of death detection.
Critical Sections have no timeout ability, whereas mutexes do. However Critical Sections support a separate function call TryEnterCriticalSection. A major weakness of the Win32 API is that the queuing model is undefined (i.e. neither Priority nor FIFO). According to Microsoft this is done to improve performance.
So, what can we gather from this? First and foremost the term mutex is less well defined than the semaphore. Secondly,the actual implementations from RTOS to RTOS vary massively. I urge you to go back and look at your faviourite RTOS and work out what support, if any, you have for the mutex. I’d love to hear from people regarding mutual exclusion support (both semaphores and mutexes) for their RTOS of choice. If you’d like to contact me do so at nsc(at)
Finally, Part 3 will look at a couple of problems the mutex doesn’t solve, and how these can be overcome. As part of that it will review the Basic Priority Inheritance Protcol and the Prority Ceiling Protocol.
At a later date I will also address the use of, and problems associted with, the semaphore being used for task synchronisation.
- Please I do not want to get into the “that’s not a real-time OS” debate here – let’s save that for another day!
- A number of people pointed out that Michael Barr (former editor of Embedded Systems Programming, now president of Netrino) has a good article about the differences between mutexes & semaphores at the following location: I urge you to read his posting as well.
- Apologies about not having the atom feed sorted – this should all be working now
Posted on September 11th, 2009
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Mutex vs. Semaphores – Part 3 (final part): Mutual Exclusion Problems
As hopefully you can see from the previous posting, the mutex is a significantly safer mechanism to use for implementing mutual exclusion around shared resources. Nevertheless, there are still a couple of problems that use of the mutex (in preference to the semaphore) will not solve. These are:
Circular deadlock, often referred to as the “deadly embrace” problem is a condition where two or more tasks develop a circular dependency of mutual exclusion. Simply put, one task is blocked waiting on a mutex owned by another task. That other task is also block waiting on a mutex held by the first task.
So how can this happen? Take as an example a small control system. The system is made up of three tasks, a low priority Control task, a medium priority System Identification (SI) task and a high priority Alarm task. There is an analogue input shared by the Control and the SI tasks, which is protected by a mutex. There is also an analogue output protected by a different mutex.
The Control task waits for mutexes ADC and DAC:
mutex_lock (DAC);
mutex_lock (ADC);
/* critical section */
mutex_unlock (DAC);
mutex_unlock (ADC);
Unfortunately, under certain timing conditions, this can lead to deadlock. In this example the Control task has locked the ADC, but before locking the DAC has been pre-empted by the higher priory SI task. The SI task then locks the DAC and tries to lock the ADC. The SI task is now blocked as the ADC is already owned by the Control task. The Control task now runs and tries to lock the DAC. It is blocked as the DAC is held by the SI task. Neither task can continue until the mutex is unlocked and neither mutex can be unlocked until either task runs – classic deadlock.
For circular deadlock to occur the following conditions must all be true:
In the deadlock example shown before, the significant point is when the SI task tries to lock the DAC. Before that succeeded and lead to cyclic deadlock. However with a PCP mutex, both the ADC and DAC mutex will have a ceiling priority equal to the SI’s task priority. When the SI task tries to lock the DAC, then the run-time system will detect that the SI’s task priority is not higher than the priority of the locked mutex ADC. The run-time system suspends the SI task without locking the DAC mutex. The control task now inherits the priority of the SI task and resumes execution.
Finishing Off…
This goal of these initial postings is to demonstrate that common terms used in the real-time programming community are open to ambiguity and interpretation. Hopefully you should now be clear about the core differences between the Binary Semaphore, General (counting) Semaphore and the Mutex.
The underlying difference between the Semaphores and the Mutex is the Principle of Ownership. Given the principle of ownership a particular implementation of a mutex may support Recursion, Priority inheritanceand Death Detection.
An aspect of the mutex I haven’t covered here is that many operating systems support the concept of acondition variable. A condition variable allows a task to wait on a synchronization primitive within a critical region. The whole aspect Synchronization Patterns (e.g. semaphore as a signal) within the context of RTOSs will be the subject of my next posting.
- Circular deadlock
- Non-cooperation
Circular deadlock, often referred to as the “deadly embrace” problem is a condition where two or more tasks develop a circular dependency of mutual exclusion. Simply put, one task is blocked waiting on a mutex owned by another task. That other task is also block waiting on a mutex held by the first task.
So how can this happen? Take as an example a small control system. The system is made up of three tasks, a low priority Control task, a medium priority System Identification (SI) task and a high priority Alarm task. There is an analogue input shared by the Control and the SI tasks, which is protected by a mutex. There is also an analogue output protected by a different mutex.
The Control task waits for mutexes ADC and DAC:
mutex_lock (ADC);
mutex_lock (DAC);
/* critical section */
mutex_unlock (ADC);
mutex_unlock (DAC);
The SI Task waits for mutexes DAC and ADC:mutex_lock (DAC);
/* critical section */
mutex_unlock (ADC);
mutex_unlock (DAC);
mutex_lock (DAC);
mutex_lock (ADC);
/* critical section */
mutex_unlock (DAC);
mutex_unlock (ADC);
Unfortunately, under certain timing conditions, this can lead to deadlock. In this example the Control task has locked the ADC, but before locking the DAC has been pre-empted by the higher priory SI task. The SI task then locks the DAC and tries to lock the ADC. The SI task is now blocked as the ADC is already owned by the Control task. The Control task now runs and tries to lock the DAC. It is blocked as the DAC is held by the SI task. Neither task can continue until the mutex is unlocked and neither mutex can be unlocked until either task runs – classic deadlock.
For circular deadlock to occur the following conditions must all be true:
- A thread has exclusive use of resources (Mutual exclusion)
- A thread can hold on to a resource(s) whilst waiting for another resource (Hold and wait)
- A circular dependency of thread and resources is set up (Circular waiting)
- A thread never releases a resource until it is completely finished with it (No resource preemption)
Priority Ceiling Protocol
With the Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP) method each mutex has a defined priority ceiling, set to that of the highest priority task which uses the mutex. Any task using a mutex executes at its own priority – until a second task attempts to acquire the mutex. At this point it has its priority raised to the ceiling value, preventing suspension and thus eliminating the “hold and wait” condition.In the deadlock example shown before, the significant point is when the SI task tries to lock the DAC. Before that succeeded and lead to cyclic deadlock. However with a PCP mutex, both the ADC and DAC mutex will have a ceiling priority equal to the SI’s task priority. When the SI task tries to lock the DAC, then the run-time system will detect that the SI’s task priority is not higher than the priority of the locked mutex ADC. The run-time system suspends the SI task without locking the DAC mutex. The control task now inherits the priority of the SI task and resumes execution.
The last, but most important aspect of mutual exclusion covered in these ramblings relies on one founding principle: we have to rely on all tasks to access critical regions using mutual exclusion primitives. Unfortunately this is dependent on the design of the software and cannot be detected by the run-time system. This final problem was addressed by Tony Hoare, called the Monitor.
The Monitor
The monitor is a mechanism not typically supplied by the RTOS, but something the programmer tends to build (a notable exception is Ada95′s protected object mechanism). A monitor simply encapsulates the shared resource and the locking mechanism into a single construct (e.g. a C++ Object that encapsulates the mutex mechanism). Access to the shared resource, then, is through a controlled interface which cannot be bypassed (i.e. the application never explicitly calls the mutex, but calls upon access functions).Finishing Off…
This goal of these initial postings is to demonstrate that common terms used in the real-time programming community are open to ambiguity and interpretation. Hopefully you should now be clear about the core differences between the Binary Semaphore, General (counting) Semaphore and the Mutex.
The underlying difference between the Semaphores and the Mutex is the Principle of Ownership. Given the principle of ownership a particular implementation of a mutex may support Recursion, Priority inheritanceand Death Detection.
An aspect of the mutex I haven’t covered here is that many operating systems support the concept of acondition variable. A condition variable allows a task to wait on a synchronization primitive within a critical region. The whole aspect Synchronization Patterns (e.g. semaphore as a signal) within the context of RTOSs will be the subject of my next posting.
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